Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Supervision in Professional Practice
20% Discount for Frontline Workers
The Irish College of Humanities and Applied Sciences(ICHAS) would like to express our gratitude to all frontline workers and the amazing work they have done and continue to do. The college would like to offer a 20% discount on our Level 9 Certificate in Clinical Supervision in Professional Practice.
This newly validated Certificate is validated by QQI ( Quality and Qualifications Ireland) at Level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications. Clinical Supervision can assist professionals involved in supporting professions engaged in a range of activities to optimise their functioning and effectiveness in areas such as individual recovery, wellbeing in health and human science disciplines and also at policy and preventative levels in terms of public health models, thus enriching the lives of individuals and communities.
Participants are eligible for a Minor Award of Certificate in Clinical Supervision in Professional Practice on completion of 30 ECTs.
Award Title: Certificate in Clinical Supervision in Professional Practice  – QQI Level 9
Duration: 24 Weeks
Tuition Fees: €2,750 Full-Time €2,850 Part-Time
Start Date: September 2025
The area of clinical supervision is evolving as one of significant professional interest within the Irish health and social care setting. Education and government policy demand that all professions who rely in their day to day practice on a range of theoretical perspectives maintain or put in place a framework to accommodate the acquisition and continued maintenance of higher-order skills to underpin their practice as well as having educational progression routes to support their professional development and provide opportunities to enhance their own professional knowledge base. Ryan (2008) traced the evolution of nursing as an academic discipline in Ireland, noting that the journey towards academic professionalisation accelerated since the 1960s when programmes in higher educational institutions became available for nurses. These were generally initially restricted to programmes at training and leadership level initially and expanded thereafter to all qualified practitioners and subsequently to pre-registration level from 1994 onwards. A similar pattern was obvious in the UK (Ryan,2008). All those programmes incorporated structures for the mentorship and/or preceptorship of students and in 2015 the Department of Health formally mandated all mental health services to provide clinical supervision for Mental Health Nurses, recognising the need for appropriate professional support structures for qualified practitioners as well as students (Department of Health, 2015).
Recognising these trends, it is important that there are opportunities for professionals to study clinical supervision up to Major Award level at Level 9 on the NFQ. In Ireland currently, those opportunities are currently limited and this course offers participants a new and exciting means to study Clinical Supervision at Masters Level. This course is designed to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required to become confident, critical, analytical, and reflective practitioners who are able to make maximum use of resources, including research in their day-to-day practice. Competent practice within contemporary health and social care settings demands flexibility as well as higher levels of knowledge and skills. Students will develop the knowledge and skills to become flexible through the development of the capacity for positive openness to change. It is our belief that this will be best achieved through collaboration and strong links between education and service, which will promote the effective integration of theory and practice. This programme will facilitate the student to evolve to a level of expert practice in clinical supervision in the context of interdisciplinary care models and driven by principles of holism.
Structure of Course
Learners can complete this course over 24 weeks. The timetable has been structured to optimise the utilisation of online learning via Zoom where this allows, but skills-based components do require a certain amount of in-person attendance and it is taught using a combination of classroom-based and blended learning techniques via Zoom.
Learners have to complete 3 modules on this programme which amount to 30 ECTS. These modules are the Principles and Practices of Clinical Supervision (10 ECTS), the Practice and Process of Supervision (10 ECTS), and the Practicum Module (10 ECTS). The focus of this module is designed to provide learners with a fundamental understanding of the Principles and Practices of Clinical Supervision approaches. Learners complete a Practicum module (10ECTS) and are assessed on this body of work. In the Practicum (Work-Based Learning) module, learners are required to engage in 50 hours of clinically supervised supervision work.
This module (10 ECTS) and assessment of this occurs on a continuous basis and learners engage in structured individual clinical supervision for their practice as trainee Clinical Supervisors across this period and are also supported through internal group supervision.
The modules and associated credits relating to the Certificate in Clinical Supervision in Professional Practice are laid out below.
- Principles and Practices of Clinical Supervision (10 ECTS),
- The Practice and Process of Supervision (10 ECTS)
- Practicum Module (10 ECTS).
What supports are available to learners
At ICHAS, every lecturer and member of staff is committed to excellence in education and professional practice. Each Module has a Module Leader who works with learners to enhance their learning and will provide formative and summative feedback throughout every module. Each programme has a Programme Co-ordinator and in addition, you will have direct access to the Programme Leader and the Director of Graduate Studies.
Who Awards My Qualification?
On successful completion of the programme, your qualification is awarded by Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI). QQI is one of the principal Irish awarding body for 3rd level education in Ireland and sets the standards for awards on the NFQ. Because this programme is both validated and awarded by QQI, the Award you receive is recognised in Ireland and internationally. See www.qqi.ie for further information.
The knowledge, skills, and competence required to successfully participate in and complete this Level 9 programme will normally require applicants to have successfully achieved a Level 2:2 award in a relevant Level 8 degree.
Those who have completed other relevant educational programmes or have relevant professional experience etc., where Recognised Prior Learning (RPL) and Acquired Prior Learning (APL) can be applied to the programme by submission of programme content, qualification, and assignments equivalent to an appropriate Level 8 award at an Honours 2:2 standard, can also be considered.
Applicants will normally have a minimum of two years of experience in areas of relevant practice such as a helping or caring role, or related leadership or teamwork role. This could include experience gained in helping roles within undergraduate studies.
All applicants are required to be over 23 years of age and will be required to complete the Garda vetting procedure and all applicants will be subject to the College’s ‘Fitness to Practice’ policy, which is set out in detail in the Programme Handbook and on the website. These arrangements are in accordance with the National Vetting Bureau Acts 2012-2016 which species a statutory requirement for all learners on programmes that include placements.
- This Certificate in Clinical Supervision in Professional Practice is congruent with the objective of providing accessible and flexible programmes to adult learners and has been designed with particular emphasis on the use of blended learning technologies to support traditional classroom learning.
- This programme supports learners to develop personally & professionally to enable them to achieve a Level 9 Certificate in Clinical Supervision in Professional Practice
- Develop learners knowledge, skills & competence to an appropriate level of ‘Higher Order Practice’
- Modules within the programme are designed to build personal capacity, collaborative problem-solving skills, and an understanding of the systems and context within which individuals may be best supported.
- The programme will facilitate graduates of programmes in relevant disciplinary areas who wish to study towards and meet professional accreditation requirements for clinical supervision as well as provide leaders in professional practice who are capable of engaging with and initiating necessary professional discourse at policy levels.
- This Certificate in Clinical Supervision in Professional Practice contributes to the academic advancement of those who wish to and demonstrate the competence to commence academic careers in Clinical Supervision.
This certificate programme is offered over 24 weeks and there are options around the payment of tuition fees with payment plans available to learners.
A central component of the ICHAS vision is the provision of flexible and affordable education for all.
The tuition fees for the programme are €2,750 for full-time and €2,850 for part-time. In addition, students who opt for monthly instalments will incur an extra fee of €150 to avail of this facility. All fees are fully protected under our Protection of Enrolled Learners’ Policy.
Protection of Enrolled Learners’ Policy. All QQI accredited programmes of education and training of 3 months or longer duration are covered by arrangements under section 65 (4) of the Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012 whereby, in the event of the provider ceasing to provide the programme for any reason, enrolled learners may transfer to a similar programme at another provider, or, in the event that this is not practicable, the fees most recently paid will be refunded.
Click to apply for this programme
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