Interested in Counselling Courses?
Interested in Counselling Courses ? Following on from the success of our October Programme, We are delighted to inform you that we will be commencing a further Certificate Programme in ICHAS College, Castletroy, Limerick  on April 6th 2016,subject to a viable cohort.
Certificate in Counselling and Psychotherapeutic Skills and Practices
Are you interested in learning more about Counselling? Starting in Limerick on Wednesday April 6th 2016and completed over a 8 week period  (6 Wednesday evenings 6:00pm – 10:00pm and 2 Saturday workshops 9:30am – 4:30pm), this programme is designed to give participants a real insight into all areas of counselling and is highly interactive, combining class led study and experiental learning..
Fees for the Certificate are €750.00 + €50 Examination Fee. The programme qualification is accredited and awarded by HETAC/QQI. Those who successfully complete the Certificate in Counselling and Psychotherapeutic Skills and Practices have the option to progress onto the Level 7 B.A. In Counselling Skills and Psychotherapy Studies within ICHAS College, subject to our interview process.
The Irish College of Humanities and Applied Sciences is an independent third level college that prides itself on its student centred approach. The College offers a range of programmes from masters level to short certificate programmes. Our programmes cover an extensive range of disciplines including Business, Childcare, Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy.
The College provides an academic environment that fosters personalised learning, enabling participants to develop their potential for life and for exciting careers in their chosen field of study.  All ICHAS programmes are accredited and awarded  by Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) and are offered at Levels 5 to Level 9  on the National Framework of Qualifications.