Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Courses
As professional practitioners we can never have the luxury of “standing still”, we are either moving forward or going backwards. If we do attempt to stand still, as our profession moves forward and progresses, then we are, in reality, going backwards. The process of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) effectively prevents this by enabling us to engage with the broader principles of lifelong learning. The CPD process helps us manage our own development on an ongoing basis.
Continuing Professional Development is primarily self directed, driven by you, not your employer. Informally it helps you focus on learning from experience, reflective learning and review. This can help you with the development of goals and objectives, and uncover gaps in your skills and capabilities. This can then lead to more formal approaches encompassing Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Courses. At ICHAS we provide a range of short courses designed to help fulfill some of your professional development needs. They will not only assist you in your professional development but can also contribute to demonstrating your professional standing, as well as contributing to your career development.